Al-Raida Journal


Al-Raida Journal

Al-Raida first appeared in May 1976, three years after the founding of the Arab Institute for Women (formerly, the Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World) at the Lebanese American University in Beirut. It started off as a thin newsletter of only a dozen stenciled pages, with the modest purpose of reporting on the activities of the Institute. With time, however, Al-Raida grew in size and scope and today is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary journal that publishes a wide range of material including but not limited to academic research, journalistic articles, poetry and prose, conference reports, activist testimonials, and practitioner reviews with attention to gender in the Middle East and its diasporas. Al-Raida is non-thematic, and accepts submissions on a rolling basis.


All submissions undergo a screening process, and are initially reviewed by the Editorial Committee of Al-Raida to make sure that the contributions adhere to the journal’s submission guidelines. AiW reserves the right to accept/reject any submissions received. Accepted submissions will be edited according to journal standards. Contributors will be given designated periods to submit revisions to content and style as recommended by Al-Raida’s editorial committee.

AiW reserves the right to reject the publication of an article at any point in the editorial process.

Articles submitted for publication should follow the APA style guide and should be sent directly to:

Academic Submissions

All academic submissions – whether chosen for double-blind peer review or not – must include the following:

The Editorial Committee of Al-Raida will inform the authors within 2 weeks of submission whether or not their submissions will be sent for review. Upon author request, submissions can undergo further review by two blind reviewers. Acceptance of articles for publication will then be subject to modification as suggested by the reviewers and the Editorial Committee. In case of disagreement between two blind reviewers, a third reviewer will be consulted for a final decision.

Non-Academic Submissions

All other submissions – such as creative pieces, reflections by activists, viewpoints, interviews, short stories, poems, photographic essays, conference reports – must include the following:

The Editorial Committee of Al-Raida will inform the authors within 2 weeks of submission whether or not their submission has been accepted for further review. Acceptance of submissions for publication are subject to modification as suggested by the Editorial Committee.