Al-Raida Journal


Call for Papers

Theme: Boundaries

Deadline: April 28, 2025

For submissions or queries, please email Al-Raida at:

Speaking of personal boundaries, Anne Catherine has written that “we teach others where our boundaries are by the way we let them treat us” (Boundaries, 1993, 20). Boundaries are felt and seen in other contexts too, in times of peace and war alike – in the personal, interpersonal, national, and international contexts we inhabit. Some boundaries are celebrated; others are criticized or actively resisted. Where do you draw the line?

In the backdrop of political tension and social turmoil rending today’s world in the early weeks of 2025, we invite submissions for either research papers or creative pieces – purely creative memoir or critically informed auto-ethnography – in which authors explore how the presence or absence of boundaries, in whatever shape or form, has affected our lives.

For creative submissions, you are encouraged to reflect on lived experiences, yours or those of others you know, in relation to your exposure to and navigation of boundarieswhether physical, emotional, cultural, sexual, professional, religious, medical/clinical, legal, gendered, or otherwise. We are looking for genuine, first-person stories – whether memoir or auto-ethnography – that are well-structured and coherent, and also insightful and engaging.

Critical articles submitted for consideration should follow the APA style guide.

Each submission should be between 1,500 and 4,000 words, excluding the abstract and, where applicable, works cited. Pseudonyms, if requested, are an option upon publication. Book reviews, 500 to 1,500 words, are also welcome.

All submissions will undergo a screening process, followed by peer review. The AiW reserves the right to accept/reject any submissions received.